Street address | Upper Level, Kendall Community Centre 22 Warwick Ave CAMMERAY NSW 2062 |
Postal address | PO Box 578 CAMMERAY NSW 2062 |
Telephone number | (02) 9955 4244 |
Mobile number | 0448 22 66 22 0448 CAMM | |
Visiting the centre
We welcome you to come and visit the Centre, however at the moment appointments are required. If you would like to make an appointment to visit the centre please call 99554244 or email the Centre at
We understand that choosing an early childhood service can be a very daunting experience, but fortunately, there are many resources which can help you make your decision.
For information about choosing a service have a look at Starting Blocks
For information about services, including quality ratings, fees and availability go to
We also recommend that you:
- Visit any prospective centres and look at the learning environment
- Meet the educators that will be caring for your child on a daily basis
- Have a list of questions that will help inform your decision
- Speak to other families
Telephone and email communications
At Cammeray Children’s Centre the best interests of our children are our first priority. To minimise disruptions to our programs, we have a special telephone system. Calls of a non-urgent nature may be made to our regular phone line during the day on (02) 9955 4244. If our staff are available, they will take your call, otherwise, please leave a message on the answering machine and we will return your call as soon as possible. If it is an emergency and you need to contact the Centre, you can call us on the Centre’s mobile on 0448 22 66 22.
The mobile is also there for families to call us to speak about their children on days when they are booked in. This means that if your child is in attendance on a specific day, you are free to call the Centre’s mobile number no matter the reason.
For email correspondence, the Centre’s email address is In most circumstances, this email account is checked daily. If you require a prompt or immediate response, please telephone us instead.
How to contact our regulatory authority
As a NSW based service, Cammeray Children’s Centre is regulated by:
Childhood Education, NSW Department of Education
Locked Bag 5107
Phone: 1800 619 113 (toll free)
Fax: (02) 8633 1810
Who to contact about compliments, complaints or concerns.
Compliments, grievances or complaints about the service may be directed to the Nominated Supervisor, Annetta Arrabalde. The Nominated Supervisor may be contacted on (02) 9955 4244 or We appreciate the time taken to give us feedback and to continue to strengthen our service.
Useful contacts
Child Protection concerns
Child Protection Helpline 132 111
Support with children’s health and development issues
Royal North Shore Community Health Centre 9926 7111
Parenting Questions and Support
Parentline 1300 1300 52
Tresillian Parent’s Help Line 1300 272 736
Poisons Information Centre (24 hours) 13 11 26
An Interpreter
Telephone Interpreter Service 13 14 50
When you’re feeling down and need to talk
Beyondblue 1300 22 46 36
Lifeline 13 11 14
When you’re not sure who to call
Call the centre and we’ll do our very best to refer you to people or information that you might be looking for.